Naval Architecture & Yacht Design: Companies and architects that providenaval architecture and yacht design services, or naval engineering,with an engineering discipline regarding the design, construction and repair of marine vehicles.

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Naval Architecture & Yacht Design Sub Categories:
Europe | Oceania


Functional Description:

Naval architecture and yacht design, or naval engineering, is an engineering discipline dealing with the design, construction and repair of marine vehicles.  Naval architecture involves basic and applied research, design, development, design evaluation and calculations during all stages of the life of a marine vehicle. Preliminary design of the vessel, its detailed design, construction, trials, operation and maintenance, launching and dry-docking are the main activities involved with the architect.  Naval architecture also involves formulation of safety regulations and damage control rules and the approval and certification of ship designs to meet statutory and non-statutory requirements.

English Terminology: naval architecture, architect, architects, yacht design, naval engineering, design, construction, repair, marine vehicles, vehicle, vessels, vessel, safety regulations, research, development, evaluation, calculations, certification

French Terminology: l'architecture navale, architecte, architectes, architecture navale, l'ingénierie navale, conception, construction, réparation, véhicules marins, véhicules, navires, navires, les règles de sécurité, recherche, développement, évaluation, calculs, la certification

German Terminology: Marine-Architektur, Architekt, Architekten, Yacht-Design, Marine Engineering, Konstruktion, Bau-, Reparatur-, Meeres-Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeug, Schiffe, Schiffe, Sicherheitsvorschriften, Forschung, Entwicklung, Evaluation, Berechnungen, Zertifizierung

Spanish Terminology: arquitectura naval, arquitecto, arquitectos, diseño de barcos, ingeniería naval, el diseño, construcción, reparación, vehículos marinos, vehículos, barcos, buques, las normas de seguridad, investigación, desarrollo, evaluación, los cálculos, la certificación