Jon Boats: A jon boat (or johnboat) is a flat-bottomed boat constructed of aluminum, fibreglass or wood with one, two, or three bench seats. They are particularly useful for fishing and hunting due to the greater level of stability in calm waters as compared with a v-hull aluminum boat.

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Jon Boats Sub Categories:
Aluminum | Fibreglass & Composites


Functional Description:

A jon boat (or johnboat) is a flat-bottomed boat constructed of aluminum, fibreglass and composite materials or wood with one, two, or three bench seats.  They are particularly useful for fishing and hunting due to the greater level of stability in calm waters as compared with a v-hull aluminum boat.   Because the hull of a jon boat is nearly flat, it tends to ride over the waves rather than cut through them as a v-hull might, thus limiting the use of the boat to calmer waters.  Jon boats typically have a transom onto which an outboard motor can be mounted. They are simple and easy to maintain, and inexpensive with many options to upgrade.

English Terminology: jon boats, jon boat, aluminium, aluminum, wood, fibreglass, fibreglass, flat bottom, transom, outboard motor, fishing, hunting

French Terminology: jon bateaux, bateau jon, aluminium, aluminum, bois, fibre de verre, fibre de verre, fond plat, tableau arrière, moteur hors-bord, pêche, chasse

German Terminology: jon Boote, Jon Boot, Aluminium, Aluminum, Holz, Fiberglas, Fiberglas, flacher Boden, Riegel, Außenborder, Fischerei, Jagd

Spanish Terminology: jon barcos, barco de Jon, aluminio, aluminio, madera, fibra de vidrio, fibra de vidrio, fondo plano, espejo de popa, motor fuera de borda, la pesca, la caza