Aluminum: Cabin cruisers manufactured from aluminium (aluminum) are lighter than fibreglass which allows better performance with a smaller engine. Click on Links Below for Detailed Info. Aluminum Sub Categories: Europe | North America | OceaniaFunctional Description: Aluminium (aluminum) is 50% lighter than fibreglass which allows better performance with a smaller engine. Aluminium (aluminum) cabin cruisers typically require less maintenance than fibreglass cabin cruisers. Aluminium (aluminum) cabin cruisers can be beached on rocky shores without chipping or cracking. There are two different grades of aluminium (aluminum) that can be used in the construction of a cabin cruiser - 5086/5083 and 5052. The 5086/5083 grade of aluminium (aluminum) is a harder and more corrosion resistant. The 5052 grade of aluminium (aluminum) is able to "stretch" more, enabling it to have more "give" in a situation than the 5086/5083 grade. The 5052 grade may be a better aluminium (aluminum) alloy for beaching on rocky shores. English Terminology: aluminium, aluminum, hull, deck, welded, weld, alloy, grade French Terminology: l'aluminium, l'aluminum, coque, le pont, soudé, soudure, alliage, grade German Terminology: Aluminium, Aluminum-, Rumpf, Deck, geschweißt, schweißen, Legierung, Grad Spanish Terminology: de aluminio, aluminio, casco, la cubierta, soldados, soldadura, aleaciones, grado | ||