Rigid Hull: A rigid-hulled inflatable boat, (RHIB) or rigid-inflatable boat (RIB) is a light-weight but high performance and high capacity boat constructed with a solid, shaped hull and flexible pontoons attached to the sides of the hull (gunwale).

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Functional Description:

A rigid-hulled inflatable boat, (RHIB) or rigid-inflatable boat (RIB) is a light-weight but high-performance and high-capacity boat constructed with a solid, shaped hull and flexible tubes at the gunwale.  The inflatable collar allows the vessel to maintain buoyancy even if a large quantity of water is shipped aboard due to bad sea conditions.  Uses include work boats in trades that operate on the water, as well as use as lifeboats and military craft.

The hull of a rigid hull inflatable boat is made of steel, wood, aluminium, or more commonly, a combination of wood for the structure and glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) composite for the shaped and smooth surface.  Some manufacturers also weave Kevlar can also be used with the glass reinforced plastic for extra strength.  The tubes are usually constructed from hypalon and PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), with small amounts of manufacturers using polyurethane.

English Terminology: rigid hulled inflatable boat, RHIB, rigid-inflatable boat, RIB, tube, tubes, pontoon, pontoons, steel, wood, aluminium, aluminum, glass-reinforced plastic, GRP, hypalon, kevlar, PVC, Polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane

French Terminology: rigide bateau gonflable à coque, RHIB, bateau gonflable rigide, semi-rigide, tube, tubes, ponton, pontons, acier, bois, aluminium, aluminium, plastique renforcé de verre, fibre de verre, hypalon, kevlar, polychlorure de vinyle, PVC, de polyuréthane

German Terminology: starre geschält Schlauchboot, RHIB, starr-Schlauchboot, Schlauchboot, Rohr, Rohre, Ponton, Pontons, Stahl, Holz, Aluminium, Aluminium, glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff, GFK, Hypalon, Kevlar, PVC, Polyvinylchlorid, Polyurethan

Spanish Terminology: bote inflable de casco rígido, RHIB, barco inflable rígido, RIB, tubo, tubos, pontón, pontones, acero, madera, aluminio, aluminio, plástico reforzado con vidrio, fibra de vidrio, Hypalon, kevlar, el PVC, policloruro de vinilo, el poliuretano