Canoes: A small narrow boat, which is normally rowed manually with oars or paddles. Canoes may also be powered by a gasoline or electric outboard motor or sails.

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Aluminum | Fibreglass & Composites | Wood & Canvas


Functional Description:

A canoe, sometimes called a Canadian canoe, is a small narrow boat, which is normally rowed manually with oars or paddles.  Paddles may be single-bladed or double-bladed.  Canoes may also be powered by a gasoline or electric outboard motor or sails.

Canoes are usually pointed at both bow and stern and are normally open on top.  Canoes can be manufactured from various building materials.  Fibreglass with a gel coat finish is the most common.  Other composite building materials for canoes are kevlar, dynel, carbon fiber and epoxy.  Canoes can also be manufactured from aluminium (aluminum).

English Terminology: canoes, Canadian canoe, fibreglass, fiberglass, kevlar, carbon fibre, fiber, aluminium, aluminum

French Terminology: canots, canot canadien, de fibre de verre, fibre de verre, fibre de carbone kevlar, fibre, en aluminium, en aluminium

German Terminology: Kanus, Kanadier, Fiberglas, Fiberglas, Kevlar, Kohlefaser, Glasfaser, Aluminium, Aluminiumlegierungen

Spanish Terminology: piraguas, canoas canadienses, fibra de vidrio, fibra de vidrio, fibra de kevlar, carbono, fibra, aluminio, aluminio